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Very creative concept. The opening cutscene was nice, I like the visuals overall. I wish the player didn't change their orientation when aiming. It was quite distracting. I was stuck on a few levels so having a level select menu was handy.

Character is a bit hard too control, I had some hard time succeeding the jumps on the 2 fireballs levels.

I didn't know how to proceed after, I didn't find a way with the wall, and I tried a lot of things

Your game run really smoothly on my computer despite being a 3d game and my computer sucking ass, congratulations !

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, that's the level I wish I got to redesign before the game jam time ended. A couple of my friends had a really hard time with it and I think is because I didn't give the player more information.

If anyone is reading this and got stuck in that level, there is terrain behind the wall that appears when the campfire turns on, you don't have to run with the fireballs, instead you need to time your jump behind the wall

But I'm glad you made it that far! Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Also, there is a lever selector if you want to try later levels

I love this concept! I could get sucked in to a full version of this.

My only feedback I could say to improve it is when I aim, occasionally my camera just decides to go wherever it wants when the right mouse button is initially clicked. It led to a couple of frustrating throws when I'm trying to throw quick, but I'm suddenly not facing the direction I was when I aimed.

I highly enjoyed this overall! Great job!


We *did* have the same idea!!

Told you! Very different implementations though!

Certainly. I think I know how you did yours... your light would work through obstacles, right?


Yes it does, it's a pretty straight forward approach